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Advances in Psychology 心理学进展, 2016, 6(2), 169-180 Published Online February 2016 in Hans. /journal/ap /10.12677/ap.2016.62021 The Research Progress of Depressed Individual Cognitive Biases —Based on the Perspective of Self-Reference Processing Jian Wang Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University, Chongqing th th th Received: Jan. 29 , 2016; accepted: Feb. 18 , 2016; published: Feb. 26 , 2016 Copyright © 2016 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Individuals who are depressed often exhibit a negativity bias in self-referential processing. In the current article, we have reviewed the research methods, theoretical issues, and the neural me- chanism of negative self-referential processing in depressed people. The research methods in- clude the self-referential processing task, autobiographical memory retrieval paradigm, and the R/K paradigm of self-referential effect. For theoretical issues, self-schema theory, cognitive theory, semantic network modal of emotional memory, and the arousal level theory were reviewed. The event related brain potentials and fMRI studies of the neural mechanism of self-referential processing with those depressive patients were also included. Finally, the future research direc- tion was discussed. Keywords Depressed Individuals, Cognitive Biases, Self-Reference Processing, Negative Bias 抑郁个体认知偏差的研究进展 —基于自我参照加工视角 王 建 西南大学心理学部,重庆 文章引用: 王建(2016). 抑郁个体认知偏差的研究进展. 心理学进展, 6(2), 169-180. /10.12677/ap.2016.62021 王建 收稿日期:2016年1月29 日;录用日期:2016年2月18 日;发布日期:


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