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ECT及红外热像图技术对骨内压诊断价值探究【摘要】目的 探讨红外热像图技术和同位素扫描方法对骨内压的诊断价值。方法 将15只新西兰纯种大白兔制作成右胫骨上端骨内高压模型,采用红外热像图技术和同位素扫描方法分别检测患膝及健膝成像温度及放射浓集情况,比较其差异。结果 患膝热像图呈现以膝关节为中心的温度升高图,患膝前后侧温度较健膝增高,差别有显著性,患膝与健膝放射性浓集,计算差异无显著性。结论 红外热图成像技术对骨内压具有一定的诊断价值,而ECT技术对骨内压诊断无明显意义。 【关键词】ECT 红外热图成像 骨内压 中图分类号:R445.7文献标识码:B文章编号:1005-0515(2011)1-322-02 Research on the diagnostic value of ECT and infrared hot chart image formation technology on intraosseous pressure WU Shanpeng1, LIN Xin2 (1.Department of Orthopaedics, the Affiliated First Hospital of Quanzhou City, Fujian Medical University, Quanzhou 362000, China; 2.Department of Orthopaedics, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, China) 【Abstract】Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value ofinfrared hot chart image formation technology and isotope scanning method on intraosseous pressure.Methods 15 New Zealand white rabbits were made into the tibia bone hypertension model. Uses the infrared hot chart image formation technology and the isotope scanning method examines the trouble knee and the healthy knee image formation temperature and the radioactivity enrichment situation separately, compared with its difference. Results Contracts the knee thermal imagery chart to present take the knee joint as the central temperature increment chart, the trouble knee’s temperature is higher than the healthy knee, the difference has the significance, contracts the knee and the healthy knee radioactivity enrichment, the computation difference does not have the significance. ConclusionThe infrared thermography imaging has a certain diagnostic value on intraosseous pressure, and ECT technology has no significant meaning. 【Key words】ECT; Infrared hot chart image formation; Intraosseous pressure 临床上,骨内压增高疾病多见,但目前要显示骨内压水平的辅助检查方法少,而局部穿刺测量骨内压方法为有创性,操作不方便,为此本研究旨在寻找对骨内压诊断有辅助价值的检查方法。课题以红外热像图技术及同位素扫描方法为指标,探讨两种方法对骨内压诊断的可行性。 1 材料和方法 1.1 动物模型的建立 新西兰纯种大白兔15只,雌雄不拘,体重(2.16±0.35)kg,右侧膝关节“V”型聚乙烯夹板伸直位持续固定35d,制成固定侧胫骨上端骨内高压模型


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