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各种深静脉置管感染原因研究及干预措施【摘要】目的:分析各种深静脉置管感染相关因素,探讨干预措施。方法:对580例深静脉置管患者从年龄、体质、置管环境、置管部位、留置深度、留置时间、维护、临床观察等方面进行监测与分析。结果? 580例深静脉置管患者,发生感染者35例,感染率为4.66%,CVC(中心静脉置管:锁骨下静脉、颈内静脉、颈外静脉、股静脉)感染率为4.83%,PICC(经外周中心静脉置管)感染率为1.21%;急诊置管感染率为3.96%,择期置管感染率为2.07%;恶性肿瘤患者置管感染率为5.52%,其他患者置管感染率为0.51%;病室内置管感染率为4.67%,穿刺室内置管感染率为1.37%.结论各种深静脉置管感染的发生与置管部位、置管时期、机体免疫功能、无菌操作环境等因素密切相关。在临床工作中采取相应的干预措施,可有效预防各种静脉导管感染的发生,保证患者安全,控制医院感染。 【关键词】深静脉置管;感染;原因分析;干预措施 Deep venous catheter infections reasons analysis and intervention HUANG Yun-na ,First People’s Hospital of Shangqiu,Shang qiu 476100,Henan 【Abstract】Objective:to analyze the deep venous catheter infections reasons and the corresponding interventions.Methods: 580 cases of deep vein catheterization patients were monitored and analyzedfrom age, physical condition, tube environment, catheter sites, retention depth, retention time, maintenance, and other aspects.Results: 35 cases were infected in580 cases of patients with deep venous catheter, the infection rate was 4.66%, the infection rate of CVC (central venous catheterization: subclavian vein, jugular vein, external jugular vein, femoral vein) was 4.83%, the infection rate of PICC (peripherally central catheter) was 1.21%,the infection rate of emergency catheterthewas 3.96%, the infection rate of Selective catheter was 2.07%; the infection rate of cancer patients catheter was 5.52%, other patients catheter infection rate was 0.51%; the infection rate of Ward catheter was 4.67%, infection rate of the puncture chamber catheter was 1.37%.Conclusions: A variety of deep venous catheter infection is closely related to catheter site, catheter time, immune function, sterile operating environment factors, In clinical work the intervention measures can effectively prevent the occurrence of various venous catheter infection , ensure patient safety an control the hospital infection. 【Key words】deep venous catheter;infection; reasons analysis;and intervention 随着医学的快速发展,各种深静脉置管技术被广泛应用于恶性肿瘤和急、危重病患者等各种临


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