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外生殖器部位皮肤肿瘤临床病理及HPV感染相关性【摘 要】 目的:探讨外生殖器部位皮肤肿瘤和人乳头瘤病毒(human papilloma viruses,HPV)感染的相关性。方法:采用通用型引物-PCR方法对89例外生殖器部位皮肤肿瘤进行HPV DNA的检测,应用限制性内切酶酶切片段长度多态性(RFLP)方法进行HPV DNA分型。结果:40例鲍温样丘疹病中22例(55%)HPV DNA阳性,其中20例为HPV16,1例为HPV31,1例为HPV6+16; 5例鲍温病HPV DNA全部阳性(100%),其中4例为HPV16,1例为HPV6+16; 6例Queyrat增殖性红斑中2例(33.3%)HPV DNA阳性,均为HPV16。18例外生殖器鳞状细胞癌中5例(27.8%)HPV DNA阳性,均为HPV16;20例乳房外Paget病HPV DNA为阴性。结论:外生殖器部位皮肤肿瘤中鲍温样丘疹病、鲍温病、Queyrat增殖性红斑的发生可能与HPV16感染有密切关系;外生殖器鳞状细胞癌中,HPV16感染可能是多种致癌因素中的一个重要因素;外生殖器部位乳房外Paget病的发病可能与HPV感染无关。 【关键词】人乳头瘤病毒; 外生殖器皮肤肿瘤 Correlation between genital dermatoma and HPV infection MAN Xiaohong, WANG Jiabi Department of Dermatology, Sino-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100000, China Beijing Union Hospital, Beijing 100000, China 【Abstract】 Objectives: To explore the correlation between genital dermatoma and HPV infection. Methods: Common PCR method was applied to determine HPV DNA in 89 cases of genital dermatoma, while RFLP was used to classify HPV DNA. Results: Among 40 cases of Bowenoid papulosis, twenty-two (55%) showed positive HPV DNA, including 20 cases with HPV16, 1 case with HPV31, and 1 case with HPV6+16. Five cases of Bowen’s disease demonstrated 100% positive HPV DNA, with 4 cases of HPV16 and 1 case of HPV6+16. Six cases of Queyrat erythroplasia revealed 2 cases(33.3%) of positive HPV DNA, all categorized as HPV16. Among 18 cases of genital squamous cell carcinoma, five cases(27.8%) were found to have positive HPV DNA, all categorized as HPV16. Twenty cases of extramammary Paget disease showed negative HPV DNA. Conclusion: HPV16 infection was closely related to the occurrence possibility of Bowenoid papulosis, Bowen’s Disease, Queyrat erythroplasia. Among the patients with genital squamous cell carcinoma, HPV 16 infection is likely to be one of the important factors causing cancer. The occurrence of extramammary Paget disease has little correlation with HPV infection. 【Key words】 human papillomaviruses; genital dermatoma 人乳头瘤病毒(human


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