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第 1 期 机械 设计与 制造 2014 年 1 月 Machinery Design & Manufacture 257 弧齿锥齿轮建模的方法及展望 丁 撼 ,阿达依 ·谢 尔亚孜旦 新疆大学机械工程学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 833046) ( 摘 要:弧齿锥齿轮的精确模型是其数字化制造 中关键技术齿面接触分析技术(TCA)和齿面误差修正技术的基础。对近 些年来国内外有关相关研究成果进行 了总结和归纳,把弧齿锥齿轮的建模方法分成 离散点、曲线拟合、仿真加工建模三 种类型,并就其关键思想或步骤进行 了概括。同时,分析其建模过程 中存在的一些问题与不足之处,整合其先进方法和思 想,对未来弧齿锥齿轮建模研究提出了高精度、高效率、高柔性三个方向并展开 了论述 ,以此为更加快捷精确的设计和加 工提供 了途径。 关键词:精确建模;弧齿锥齿轮;数字化制造;齿面接触分析技术(TCA);仿真加工 中图分类号:TH16 ;TH128 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3997 (2014)01-0257-04 Methods of and Outlook for the Modeling of Spiral Bevel Gear DING Han,ADAYI ·Xieeryazidan (School of Mechanical Engineering,Xinjiang University,Xinjiang Urumqi 833046,China) Abstract :Accurate modeling of spiral bevel gear laid the foundation of the key technology namely Tooth Contact Analysis (TCA)and correction of the deviation of tooth-surface in its digitized manufacturing. It summarized the related outcomes and divided modeling approaches of the tooth-surface of spiral bevel gear into three categories ,modeling by the tooth-surface of discrete points and suturing curves and simulation machining ,and generalized their vital idea and step. What is more , according to the analysis of some problems and their inadequacies and advanced ways and ideas in the modeling ,it proposed three development direction for modeling technology of spiral bevel gear in the future ,these development direction were high in accuracy and high efficiency and high flexibility ,so as to provide some methods for faster and more accurate design of spiral


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