中国古代饰发展 英文PPT.ppt

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中国古代饰发展 英文PPT

Title : Chinese ancient garment Key words: Tow fundamental styles(两种基本风格) Evolution(发展) Traits(特征) Structure Introduction -Two fundamental styles The Yi(shirt) and Shang(skirt) system(上衣下裳制 Sewn-up system(衣裳连属制) Histroy- Evolution Xia Shang and Zhou The Spring and Autumn Period and The Warring States Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty Tang Dynasty Song Dynasty Yuan Dynasty Ming Dynasty Qing Dynasty China, known as a land of dresses, has a long history in the development of its clothing culture. Dresses in different periods reflect, to a certain extent ,the situation of the politics, economy, military affairs, religions,and the civil customs of the specific historical stages. 中国,被称为“衣服土地”的地方,在服装文化发展上有着悠久的历史。不同时期的衣服在一定程度上放映了政治、经济、军事、宗教和特定的历史阶段的民间习俗的情况。 The Yi(shirt) and Shang(skirt) system(上衣下裳制) This is the earliest style of our costume system, it stemmed from the era(时代) of Huangdi, which has a great impact on our modern life. 这是最早的衣服风格,它始于皇帝时代,上衣下裳制最现代生活有很重要的影响。 Sewn-up system(衣裳连属制) Also called shenyi, a type of Han Chinese clothing commonly worn from of the pre-shang periods to the Han Dynasty. The yi and shang of the shangyi is sewn(缝纫,原形:sew) together. The form of shenyi has a great influence to the late costume, even to our today‘s dress, such as one-piece dress(连衣裙). 也叫深衣,是起源于汉代的汉族服饰,衣与裳缝合在一起,对当今的穿衣风格有很大的影响,可以说是当今连衣裙的雏形。 Xia Shang and Zhou In these periods, the wearing of people obeyed the Yi and Shang system. Shenyi system started from Zhou Period . These two systems had a deep influence on later ages. 这一时期,人们的穿衣风格遵循上衣下裳制。深衣制度始于周朝。这二者对后世影响很深。 The Spring and Autumn Period and The Warring States The occurrence of Hufu and the prevalence(流行) of shenyi are the most important change in costume. Wars in the spring and autumn period promoted the evolution of Han costume‘s broad shirt, long skirt and tunic(长袍). Wu ling King of Zhao state introduced Hufu into Central Plain(中原), this was the first costume evolution in history


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