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Display Files如何创建显示文件 Display files are DDS files that enable us to create AS/400 menus and screens to interact with the user. Display files can have several records. Each record defines part of the screens appearance. These records may or may not overlap each other. 显示文件是一些帮助我们创建和用户进行交互的AS400菜单和屏幕界面的DDS文件。显示文件能够包含多个纪录,每个记录定义了屏幕界面的一部分。这些记录或者相互覆盖。 The SDA application allows us to “draw” what should show up on the screen and creates the DDS code from our “drawing”. Next well create a screen with DDS and afterward well look at some code excerpts, because sometimes its easier to alter the screen through its code. SDA程序允许我们在屏幕上“画草稿”,它会根据我们所画的“草稿”生成相应的DDS代码。下面,我们将要创建利用DDS创建一个屏幕界面,然后查看这些代码的片断,因为,有些时候,利用代码来修改界面还是比较容易些。 In this chapter ,well create a screen to show a clients data. 在这一章,我们将创建一个显示客户数据的界面。 To open SDA type STRSDA on the system prompt. This screen should appear: 在系统命令行输入STRDA就可以打开SDA程序了,如下图显示: Choose option 1 and type the options as you see them on the image below. Source file is the file where the code will be stored. Member is the name of member were creating. 选择1,然后输入相关的选项,如下图,Source file就是代码保存的文件了,在Member输入我们想要创建的成员(Member)。 Create file 创建文件 Press Enter. A new screen appears. Add a new record, named TOP, typing what you see on the image bellow. 按下回车键,然后我们添加记录,命名为Top,如下图 Now specify the record type, in this case its RECORD: 接着我们输入记录类型,在这个例子中我们输入Record After the Enter an empty screen appears. In this screen you can “draw” the top record. Add the content you see on the image bellow. 按下回车,现在我们就可以“草绘” top记录,添加内容了,如下图: When you type a string you should place it between apostrophes. If you dont each word will be handled like a different field. Placing the apostrophes allows you to manipulate all the words as a single field. 当你想输入一个字符串的时候,请问打上单引号,假如你不这样做的话,系统会把他们当作分开的不同字符串。 The *USER function shows the username on the screen. There are other functions that retrieve information from the system: *DATE (shows the system current date), *TIME(shows the system current ti


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