中西文化比较lecture1 - Buddha.ppt

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中西文化比较lecture1 - Buddha

? ? ? ? ? ? ? A Parallel Study of Eastern Western Culture To see where our ideas and ways of thinking have come from To look at our worldview from a new perspective To appreciate and understand a foreign worldview To understand the similarities and differences between East West To come to an understanding of how and why those differences exist 为什么比较 中文化和西方文化? Some suggestions about similarities differences will be made, but these are only suggestions! You are expected to use your own mind to see the many similarities differences that exist throughout the course Later, you will write an essay about the comparisons you’ve thought of 一样的地方和 不同的地方 Each class, we will meet someone who has had a permanent effect on either Chinese or Western culture We will look briefly at that person’s life, his ideas and the effect he has had on the culture The Road Ahead 6 philosophers, 3 religious leaders, 2 scientists 1 missionary 我们的对话者 佛 (Buddha) Born c.563 BC as Prince Siddhartha Gautama Following his discovery of poverty, age, disease death, Siddhartha becomes an ascetic Abandons asceticism, sits under the bodhi tree achieves enlightenment 佛 (Buddha) 苦谛 All life is suffering. 集谛 The cause of suffering is desire. 滅谛 The cure for suffering is the elimination of desire. 道谛 The way to eliminate desire is to follow the Eightfold Path. Four Noble Truths 四圣谛 Right views 正见 Right intention 正思唯 Right speech 正语 Right action 正业 Right livelihood 正命 Right effort 正精进 Right mindfulness 正念 Right concentration/meditation 正定 Eightfold Path 八正道 Karma/Cosmic justice/因果 Samsara/Reincarnation/灵魂转世 Anatta/No-self/无我 Nirvana/涅 Key concepts You consist of: 1。Matter 色蕴 2。Sensation 受蕴 3. Perception 想蕴 4. Impulses 行蕴 5. Consciousness 识蕴 Anatta 五蕴 No harming or killing living creatures No stealing No sexual immorality No lying No intoxicants (eg. alcohol, drugs, etc.) Buddhist Lifestyle 五戒 Kumarajiva 鸠摩罗什 344 – 413 AD Employed by the King of Kucha (龟兹国- 现在是库车县) I


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