divorce 离婚.ppt

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divorce 离婚

DIVORCE DIVORCE “Divorce is so common in American families it is close to point at which it will occur in the majority of families and will thus be thought of more and more as a normative event.” (Carter and McGoldrick) Family Life Cycle for Divorcing Families Divorce: The decision to divorce Emotional Process of Transition Acceptance of inability to resolve marital tensions sufficiently to continue the relationship Developmental issues Acceptance of one’s own part in the failure of the marriage Family Life Cycle for Divorcing Families Planning the breakup of the system Emotional process of transition Supporting viable arrangements for all parts of the system Developmental issues Working cooperatively on problems Dealing with extended family Family Life Cycle for Divorcing Families Separation or ask him to go Emotional process of transition Willingness to continue cooperative coparental relationship joint financial support of children Work on resolution of attachment to spouse Family Life Cycle for Divorcing Families Separation continued Developmental issues Mourning loss of intact family Restructuring marital and parent-child relationships and finances; adaptation to living apart Realignment of relationships with extended family; staying connected with spouse’s extended family Family Life Cycle for Divorcing Families The divorce Emotional process of transition More work on emotional divorce: overcoming hurt, anger, guilt, etc Developmental issues Mourning loss of intact family; giving up fantasies of reunion Retrieval of hopes, dreams, expectations from the marriage Staying connected with extended families Family Life Cycle for Divorcing Families Post-divorce family: Single parent (custodial) Emotional process of transition Willingness to maintain financial responsibilities, continue parental contact with ex-spouse, and support contact of children with ex-spouse and his or her family Family Life Cycle for Divorcing Families Post-divorce families: Single paren


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