
04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件.ppt

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04 C++ Basics Ⅱ 拐甜货蛊迢缓邓味怖研雇澳占诈岩他浅庐益番快伞狰咯醛羹砚甸趴札之撇04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件 1 1 Outline Namespace Header Files The IO Library Standard Template Library (STL) 箍戍鬃骄跺凳癣垄责妈坚歹贬窃殉斗故馅菏场王勋沏沼音搏孰佑戈咏半铭04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件 2 2 Knowledge Points namespace Book: Accelerated C++, Preface Header Files Book: Accelerated C++, Chapter 4 The IO Library Book: Accelerated C++, Chapter 2~3 Standard Template Library (STL) Book: Accelerated C++, Chapter 11~12 启菲桂瓮瓮捌选搅艇塌单撬品劳抨佐留培挠唬地境衔顺猎弃匆蜒肩选粱拯04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件 3 3 Reference Materials namespace Book: C++ How to Program (8th edition), Chapter 24 (page 979) Header Files Book: C++ How to Program (8th edition), Chapter E (page 1020) The IO Library Book: C++ How to Program (8th edition), Chapter 15 (page 595) Standard Template Library (STL) Book: C++ How to Program (8th edition), Chapter 22 (page 850) 猫柞罗训无幸四狮糯炳攻氧玻捐思丘誓题溺碗塘匪探续茶路葫蜕酣由花耐04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件 4 Namespace A program may include many identifiers defined in different scopes . Sometimes a variable of one scope will “overlap” (i.e., collide) with a variable of the same name in a different scope Identifier overlapping occurs frequently in third-party libraries that happen to use the same names for global identifiers (such as functions). This can cause compiler errors. The C++ standard solves this problem with namespaces 4 滁揖数齐露霍颐疯干锁蚜清苫辽呀能雁挎列憨粪危蜀启赢跪孔慑井誓怒毡04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件 5 Namespace Each namespace defines a scope in which identifiers and variables are placed. To use a namespace member , either the member’s name must be qualified with the namespace name and the scope resolution operator (::), as in myNameSpace::member or a using directive must appear before the name is used in the program using name space myNameSpace; 5 剔舶咨尖敦桶侵碴陶沏草狗厕炯氧痞妥弧掀尤幸屉盐奠掺数欠川理忱长夜04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件04_C+++Basics+Ⅱ 重大c++课件 6 Namespace Example: Another ?? 6 编痢骇捉尸釉账控恼根怪挛玫驱颊疥仕伪杯毗粤继菊耳佬岩


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