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       150 20064         PETROLEUM EXPLORAT ION AND DEVELOPMENT        Vo.l 33 No. 2  :1000-0747(2006)02-0 150-04 1+2 束青林 (中国石化胜利油田孤岛采油厂) :国家“十五”重大科技攻关项目(200 1BA605A09) :分析胜利油区孤岛油田馆陶组上段连续取心井段的岩心, 发 了存在浅水湖泊沉积的证据, 据此认为馆 1+2砂层 组属于浅水湖泊沉积, 而非单 一的河流相沉积。 沉积期间, 湖盆地形平坦、水体极浅, 湖平面受气候影响频繁振荡式升降 变化, 沉积物表 为氧化、还原环境交替的红灰相间的细粒结构, 湖泊沉积构造(如波状层理、浪成沙纹层理和波痕等 )发 育。 根据岩性、沉积等特征, 划分为水道、砂坪、混合坪、泥坪和沼泽等 5 种沉积微相类型, 洪水期和枯水期各微相的发育 特点和平面展布不同。 馆 1+2砂层组属于湖相的观点为该区的勘探开发提供了新思路。 图 5 参 9 :孤岛油田;馆陶组;浅水湖泊;沉积特征;勘探开发 :TE5 12. 2   :A D iscovery and significance of shallow lacustrine sedmi ents in the Ng1+2 sand sets of GudaoO ilfield SHU Q ing-lin Gudao O il P rod uction F actory, SLOF, S in op ec, S hand ong 257231, Ch ina ( ) Abstrac:t Accord ing to the ob ser ation, description, and analysis of consecu ti e cored inter als, shallow lacustrine deposits, instead of un itary flu ial facies, ha e been recognized in Ng1+2 sand sets in the Gudao O ilfield. The lake paleotopography w as smooth, w ater body w as ery shallow, and the lake le el changed frequen tly under the influence of climate. The deposits w ere m ain ly in terbedded red m udstone and grey mudstone in alternati e ox id izing and reducing en ironm en ts. Lacustrine sedmi entary structures were de eloped, such as w a y lam ination, wa e-generated cross stratifications, and ripples. Fi e m icrofacies (water channe,l sand fla,t m ixed fla,t mud flat and m arsh) are classified in term s of lithology and depositional features. The distribu tion and characteristics of them are differen t in the flood and dry seasons. Key w ords:Gudao O ilfield;Guantao Form ation;


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