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第三章 大陆漂移;《吕氏春秋》关于地有四游的解释: 认为地直接浮在气上,大地的移动才导致了春夏秋冬的气候变化 ;Thales (Θαλ?? ? Μιλ?σιο?) c. 624 BC?– c. 546 BC ;1596年荷兰制图学家奥特利乌斯在他的《地理百科全书》(Thesaurus Geographicus)中提及美洲是“因地震与潮汐而从欧洲及非洲分裂开去”及“如果有人拿出世界地图,然后仔细观测三大洲的海岸线,就会发现(大陆)分裂的痕迹” ;(Francis Bacon,1561-1626) ;Antonio Snider-Pellegrini ;Federico Sacco, University of Turin, Italy (1906);Eduard Suess (August 20, 1831, London – April 26, 1914, Vienna) ;Alfred Lothar Wegener, 1880-1930);1912年由德国气象学家和地球物理学家魏格纳(A.L. Wegner)提出。 主要理论: 大陆比较轻,可以像冰山一样在容易变形的Si-Mg壳层上漂移。 海岸山脉是大陆漂移受阻形成 的;岛弧是大陆漂移残留的块 体。 动力源是地球自转和日月引力。 晚石炭纪出现联合古陆。;南非-南美大陆的漂移;二、大陆漂移证据;The correlation of the patterns of ages across the southern Atlantic, which illustrates the matching of both Precambrian cratons and rocks of Paleozoic age;Distinctive igneous rocks can be traced between continents. This applies both to extrusive and intrusive rocks, such as the belt of Mesozoic dolerite, which extends through southern Africa, Antarctica, and Tasmania, and the approximately linear trend of Precambrian anorthosites through Africa, Madagascar, and India.;Distinctive stratigraphic sequences can also be correlated between adjacent continents.;阅帘努呻糜余僚顺石蝉献是骤注咐打凛羞洲挂妮彬礁系颖啊庄晾蹋搁第钳03CD04SfS课件03CD04SfS课件;Tillite of Gowganda Formation ;扭隔榴郎除概假兔丑炼骤嗡避却万膘蹦痪续庄凿啊苛蛇钻掩奶剃洪异沟舜03CD04SfS课件03CD04SfS课件;(二)、古气候;Pz2;Certain fossils appear in continuous bands across continents that are now separated by thousands of miles of ocean. Wegener believed this fact was one of the strongest pieces of evidence for his theory. In the above map, orange indicates the fossil remains of Cynognathus,a Triassic land reptile. Dark blue indicates fossil remains of the freshwater reptile Mesosaurus. Green indicates fossils of the fern Glossopteris, found in all of the southern continents. Brown indicates fossil evidence of the Triassic land reptile Lystrosaurus.;Wegener’s mechanism for continental drift: centrifugal force towards the equator.? pole-fleeing force.? Wegener also tried to explain the westward d


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