Unit5 Placing an Order课件.ppt

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Unit5 Placing an Order课件

Unit 5 Placing an Order 质寥松鳖主弃莽状顾撩淌值绘拭废全页羡催传脏浇障绽赫金釜惭露代梧伤Unit5 Placing an Order课件Unit5 Placing an Order课件 妓郴好醋究楼脆混峡耻惰早祷吊女蕉斌滋哭蝉络皿散离站端渠徽帕谍复贝Unit5 Placing an Order课件Unit5 Placing an Order课件 Learning objectives 1. Grasp the words and exprssions used in placing an order 2. Familirize with the useful key sentences in placing an order 3. Grasp the skills of how to place an order by making up a new dialogue and acting it out. 锥椎穗喇撼啡海船衣盏罪搔侨榨抹朔袒优氨疮寓概序灰梗打喉釜蛆珊衙杀Unit5 Placing an Order课件Unit5 Placing an Order课件 Leading in Definition Placing an order means that the buyer is going to order the needed goods according to the transaction terms accepted by both parties after repeated negotiation. Types There are two typres of orders. If it is the first time of you to close a deal with your supplier, the order is called an initial order; otherwise, it is called a repeated order. Do you know what does placing an order mean? 涅听靛粹闺键斯逛等形朱尊搽惜娘加郡因毒肯郧韧姆览跳等女镐猪粤栅啡Unit5 Placing an Order课件Unit5 Placing an Order课件 How to place an order Placing orders through your local distributors Placing your order on line directly Phone Fax Order Placing an order by email Mail Order 瞄寝磕祈笨窃沸匡舅举唆追旬粤昆膨勾揍砷湛纠康妻潘括窒首拓侠懈碌例Unit5 Placing an Order课件Unit5 Placing an Order课件 Words ang expressions 1. look at 考虑……;打算……look at本意是看,在口语中,可表示考虑;打算的意思,后面接动名词或名词。I am looking at buying a new stereo for the living room.我正在考虑买一台新的立体声音响放在客厅。 2. run 继续或成为某种状态在商业用语中,run除了常常用来表示经营;操作;运转之外,也可用来表达继续或成为某种状态的意思,这时通常会用进行时。例如:were running low on gas是指我们的汽油不多了。I was running late today. I didnt get into work until ten oclock.我今天迟到了。直到10点我才开始工作。 3. come to 一共是;总计要注意在这个用法中,come to后面是接金额。These three books come to thirty-five dollars.这3本书总共35美元。 4. go out 出货;送出去go out本意是出去,在本文中是指出货;送出去,即be sent out。These packages cant go out tomorrow, because the post office will be closed.这些包裹无法在明天寄出,因为邮局不营业。 香键倪汾磨孤藐吮人钥偿忿闷志这耶涨榴街砧勇棕矫楚奢散花藻霓毛舔薯Unit5 Placing an Order课件Unit5 Placing an Order课件 Dialogue Placing an Order Situation: David meet


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