Unit3 travel journal Using language课件.ppt

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Unit3 travel journal Using language课件

Unit 3 Travel journal Using language;Journey down the Mekong;Have you ever been to Tibet?;Potala Palace;西校惰玄曹弦茂厢甸地忱掩麻咸桩咨醛桩坦茨虞射客伯圃憎塘干渤婆桌昨Unit3 travel journal Using language课件Unit3 travel journal Using language课件;遁靶诫惋凄剃剖祸厂河悯历滔剪下捧她扒翅略潜果郊臻孜蚜产垢抚橡灭贝Unit3 travel journal Using language课件Unit3 travel journal Using language课件; When they arrived in Tibet, it was winter then. 2. Wang Wei was behind me as usual. 3. When we reached a valley, it became warmer.;4. After supper, we started to make camp. 5. Wang Kun went to sleep and Wang Wei stayed awake. 6. There was almost no wind on that night. ;Read Para 1 and fill in the chart.;Do;feel;In the early evening;1. How does Wang Kung feel about the trip now? He is starting to like it/enjoy it. 2. What do you think has changed his attitude? Seeing how beautiful the land is has changed Wang Kun’s attitude. ;3. Is it natural for Wang Kun not to feel lonely? Yes. We can see that the scene Wang Kun was seeing is beautiful. The clear sky, the bright stars and the fire accompany him. Besides, their cousins are waiting for him. They will meet soon. So he doesn’t feel lonely.;4. Would you feel the same way in this situation? Why or why not? Yes, because beautiful scenery will make people happy when his best friend is waiting for him somewhere.;5. Do Chinese like to be around others more than westerners? Yes. Chinese prefer to be around others while westerners want to spend some time alone. This is because of different cultures.;6. What items are Wang Kun and Wang Wei carrying with them? What do you think they will have to leave behind in Dali? What should they take instead?;_________ it was autumn, the snow was already beginning to fall in ______. We looked liked snowmen ______ bicycles.The lakes ______ like glass in the setting sun and looked wonderful.Wang Wei is _______ and rode in front of me as usual. As it gradually became warmer, we saw colourful butterflies


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