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  《白鲸》的象征和宗教意义研究----英美文学论文 --I. Introduction 引言 1.1 Melville’s Life Story 梅尔维尔的生活故事 赫尔曼·梅尔维尔1819年出生在纽约市,八个孩子中第三个出生,在玛丽亚甘西沃特和梅尔维尔之后,国外商品的进口商。家族企业在19世纪20年代末衰败,从梅尔维尔迁往奥尔巴尼并试图恢复他们的命运。一连串的霉运和劳累过度,使他的父亲早逝,而年轻的梅尔维尔被迫开始在十三岁时在银行工作。 Herman Melville porter of foreign goods. elville relocated to Albany in an attempt to revive their fortunes. A string of further bad luck and overore years of formal education, Melville left school at eighteen to bee an elementary school teacher. This career ade his first sea voyage at nieen, as a merchant sailor on a ship bound for Liverpool, England. He returned to America the next summer to seek his fortune in the arquesas Islands, ed e separated from his panion and spent a month alone in the pany of the natives. Life among these natives and numerous other exotic experiences abroad provided Melville ed inous kno constant reading onomania aboard a entary of life at sea and a vast philosophical allegory of life in general. No sacred subject is spared in this bleak and scathing critique of the knooral values, and the literary and political figures of the day. Melville oby Dick by the work of Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of Th --e Scarlet Letter, he finally met in 1850 and to he dedicated Moby Dick. Melville hd long admired Haness, and he associated Haerican literature. Though the ent) influenced Moby Dick, Melville didn’t look exclusively to celebrated cultural models. He dre popular culture as ple, ely popular in the nieenth century. In particular, Melville relied on Thomas Beale’s encyclopedic Natural History of the Sperm oby Dick remained largely ignored until the 1920s, oted by literary historians interested in constructing an American literary tradition. To these critics, Moby Dick inal erican themes, such as religion, fate, and economic expansion, and a radically experimental anachronism that anticipated Modernism in its outsized scope and pastiche of forms. As a novel that appears bizarre to the point of being unreadable but proves to be


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