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2017年6月大学英语六级大纲新增词汇(一)   1. abbreviation [?,bri?vie??(?)n]   n.①略语,缩写词 ②缩写   例句:   Dr is the written abbreviation of Doctor. Dr是Doctor的缩写形式。   2. abide [?ba?d]   v.忍受,容忍   例句:   You have to abide by the referees decision. 你必须服从裁判的决定。   3. abreast [?brest]   ad.并排,并肩   例句:   The planes were flying four abreast. 飞机分成四架一排飞行。   4. acclaim [?kle?m]   vt.称赞 n.赞赏   例句:   His work was acclaimed by art critics. 他的作品受到艺术评论家的推崇。   5. acupuncture [?kj?,p??kt??]   n.针刺(疗法)   例句:   I had acupuncture in my lower back. 我在后腰上做了针灸。   6. advent [?dvent]   n.(sing.)出现,到来   例句:   Swallows come by groups at the advent of spring. 春天来临时燕子成群飞来。   7. adversary [?dv?s(?)ri]   n.对手,敌手 a.敌手的   例句:   He saw her as his main adversary within the company. 他将她视为公司中主要的对手。   8.afloat [?fl??t]   ad./a.①漂浮地(的)②在船上地(的)   例句:   Somehow we kept the ship afloat. 我们想方设法使船没有下沉。   9. agitate [?d??te?t]   v.鼓动 vt.使焦虑,使不安   例句:   His family are agitating to get him freed. 他的家人在多方游说将他释放。   10. ail [e?l]   v.①困扰 ②(使)得病,(使)难受   例句:   This initiative is not the answer to what ails our educational system. 这一方案并不能解决我们教育体制的弊病。   11. akin [?k?n]   a.(~tosth.)相似的   例句:   Something akin to panic overwhelmed him. 一种类似惊恐的感觉使他不知所措。   12. align [?la?n]   v.(使)排成一行 vt.与……结盟   例句:   Church leaders have aligned themselves with the opposition. 教会领袖和反对派站在了一起。   13. allot [?l?t]   vt.(按份额)分配,配给   例句:   Try and allot 2 or 3 hours a day to revision. 每天设法抽出两三个小时复习。   14. allude [?lu?d]   vi.(to)暗指,影射   例句:   I didnt allude to anybody or anything. 我并未影射任何人或任何事。   15. allure [??lj??]   vt.引诱,诱惑   例句:   Rewards allure men to brave danger. 重赏之下,必有勇夫。   16. almighty [??lma?ti]   a.全能的,万能的   例句:   Money is not almighty. 金钱并不是万能的。   17. amass [?m?s]   vt.(大量地)积累,积聚   例句:   He amassed a fortune after the war. 战后,他积累了大量财富。   18. amiable [e?mi?b(?)l]   a.和蔼可亲的,亲切的   例句:   The driver was an amiable young man. 司机是位和蔼可亲的年轻人。   19. analog(ue) [?n?l?ɡ]   n.[C]类似物,相似体a.①模拟的 ②(钟表)指针式的   例句:   The first generation of cell phones are analogue, commonly


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