New trends in entertainment technology (lead in)课件.ppt

New trends in entertainment technology (lead in)课件.ppt

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New trends in entertainment technology (lead in)课件

New trends in entertainment technology;Entertainment;Answers: Reading books : computer, pocket PC … 2) Playing video games: PS, virtual reality 3) Watching TV: high-resolution, flat-screen TV 4) Dancing: dance carpet, ;5) Listening to the music: radio, CD player, MD, MP3, MP4 … 6) Seeing a film: cinema, VCD, DVD … 7) Singing: Karaoke, home entertainment system 8) Surfing the internet: computer, pocket PC, mobile phone… 9) ……; How many new technologies are mentioned in this text?;An Imax Dome Theatre;What is an Imax Dome Theatre? Imax comes from “ Image Maximum(图象最大化)”. It is the best image system, and known as “the wonderful experience”. Dome means a hemispherical(半球状的)roof. ;A home entertainment system What does it use? a wide , flat-screen TV 2. Where is it suspended? on the wall 3. What makes us hear it better? Stereo speakers Conclusion: digital technology makes both the pictures and the sound clear.;;Language points;默写 一短语: 1.退下舞台 2.失去对……的控制 3. 在自己座位上坐下 4. 参加一个电视竞猜节目的录制活动 5.化妆师 6. (上下班时的)高峰时刻 7. 控制室 8. 朝…方向 9. 许多观众 10.在……的边缘 11. 咬指甲 12. 再回答六个问题 13.保持静止 14.使……正确 15. 还有一个要回答的问题 16.一次到……的双人旅行 二句子: 17. 他一定是一个老师 18. 她不可能是Mary , 她在医院 19. 开会的时间到了(三句) 20. 他提前两小时完成了回家作业 ;一短语: 1.许多观众 2.狂风暴雨 3.在……的边缘 4.咬指甲 5.再回答六个问题 6.保持静止 7.击败某人 8.一次到……的双人旅行 9.还有一个要回答的问题 10.使……正确 11.赢得比赛 二句子: 12.开会的时间到了(三句) 13.他提前两小时完成了回家作业;Language points;feel like part of the action ;feel like sth. / doing sth. : 想要(做)…… = have a wish for sth = would like / love to do sth. ;Youngsters always feel like growing up as soon as possible.;Shanghai Science and Technology Museum: 上海科技馆;The screen at these theatres surrounds the audience. surround (v.): 环绕,围绕 Tall trees surround our campus. ;surrounding (adj.): 围绕的,环绕的 The colour of some insects can change with the surrounding trees. ;surroundings (n.): 环境 More and more


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