New York Fashion Show-PPT课件.ppt

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New York Fashion Show-PPT课件

Dear classmate and teacher: Now I will show you some beautiful pictures. All of them about “New York Fashion Week”.;彝纹兽会侥勤扬棠魏顿渐蜒怀纶凋渗丽房演狡蘸烫瘸积留袁儒身煞此愤铺New York Fashion Show-PPT课件New York Fashion Show-PPT课件;;每年举办两次 , 2月份举办当年秋冬时装周 , 9月份举办次年的春夏时装周. Held twice a year ,held in February that year fall and winter fashion week, in September the following year, organized by the spring and summer fashion week.;发展历程: course of development: 举办初期,纽约时装周以展示美国设计师的设计为主,因为他们的设计一直被专业时装报道所忽视. At this early stage,New York Fashion Week to showcase the design of the United States-based designer,because of their design has been neglected by the professional fashion coverage.;有趣的是,时装买家最初不被允许观看时装秀,他们只能到设计师的展示间去参观. Interestingly, fashion buyers are not allowed to watch the first fashion show,they only go to the designers showroom to visit.;;1993年,纽约时装周开始在纽约曼哈顿的布赖恩特公园举办,T台被安置在一个个白色帐篷内. In1993,New York Fashion Week opened in New Yorks Bryant Park in Manhattan,T units were placed in a white tent one by one. ;;举办背景: Background held : 1943年,由于受第二次世界大战影响,时装业内人士无法到巴黎观看法国时装秀,纽约时装周在美国应运而生. In1943,due to World War II,fashion industry have not been able to watch the French fashion show in Paris,New York Fashion Week came into being in the United States.;它也因此成为世界上历史最悠久的时装周. It has thus become the world’s oldest Fashion Week .;如我们所知, 2009年9月10日,2010纽约春夏时装周在美国纽约开幕,近百个全球时尚品牌和知名设计师汇聚此. As we know, September 10, 2009, 2010 New York Fashion Week spring and summer in New York opened, nearly one hundred well-known global brands and fashion designers gathered here .;为仍处在金融危机阴霾中的人们带来春的气息. Is still in the haze of the financial crisis for the people to bring the breath of spring .;9月17日, “2010纽约春夏时装周”伴随最后一场充满春天气息的时装秀顺利落幕. On September 17, Spring-Summer 2010 New York Fashion Week with the last breath of spring, a fashion show filled with a smooth curtain. ;帕古墓惊扩替中搐焙报套西泡僳其慑韭翼泛阅青撰奖絮筷呜届宣强荫畦裴New York Fashion Show-PPT课件New York Fashion Show-PPT课件; The pictures show is over. I just want to show wha


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