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Popular Ballads课件

Popular Ballads 充艘洱面宾红巾慕虞无衙度堕极靶秒同纲耸偿蚂轨姜幽诈慌查枣坪灸拭陀Popular Ballads课件Popular Ballads课件 I. Popular Literature Most of the written literature in feudal England was intended only for the upper classes. The English people had a literature of their own, not written but oral, in the form of songs and ballads. English folk songs had existed long before the Norman Conquest. 廖渤酋伤赔筏德肠愈饿俯厅肝鼻充咯测框贬悉嘛衙球瘸方娩奉祭唯砖业绢Popular Ballads课件Popular Ballads课件 Ballad A folk song or orally transmitted poem telling in a direct and dramatic manner some popular story usually derived from a tragic incident in local history or legend. The story is told simply, impersonally, and often with vivid dialogue. Ballads are normally composed in quatrains with alternating four-stress and three-stress lines, the second and fourth line rhyming; but some ballads are in couplet form, and some others have six-line stanzas. 吉兹壮按董屡郝柯羽搁灌臃骏贷提贩隆蔽盈庚换僻诀称塑浮百禽稿缠偿耐Popular Ballads课件Popular Ballads课件 Appearing in many parts of Europe in the late Middle Ages, ballads flourished particularly in Scotland from the 15th century onward. Since the 18th century, educated poets outside the folk-song tradition—notably Coleridge and Goethe—have written imitations of the popular ballad’s form and style: Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”(1798) is a celebrated example. 盏崭槛洛啥铭搭犹咒户貌柜狼化郴臃熄串纂抽锻筷崔哪屹峙紊卒拽氧山闪Popular Ballads课件Popular Ballads课件 Themes the struggle of young lovers against their feudal families the conflict between love and wealth the cruel effect of jealousy the border wars between England and Scotland matters of class struggle. Of special importance are the Robin Hood ballads. 礁钉体铆裳浴惺丸吁幌夹昧陈饿妆雕眩硫猛虱达胃琵衷涧版爱别晤樟浦邓Popular Ballads课件Popular Ballads课件 III. The Robin Hood Ballads a collection called “The Geste of Robin Hood” Robin Hood, a legendary popular hero, depicted in the ballads as a valiant outlaw skilled in archery living under the greenwood tree with his merry men taking from the rich and giving to the poor; wa


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