Two Words to Avoid课件.ppt

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Two Words to Avoid课件

Two Words to Avoid, Two to Remember;;Many people have pet phrases. ;Pre-class Questions;1.“说真的,老实说,的确,不骗你” To be honest, to tell you the truth, cetainly, definitely etc. People who speak these phrases very often usually worry that others might misunderstand what they say. They are impetuous.;2.“应该、必须、必定会” be supposed to, should, must, ought These people are very confident about themselves, reasonable and sober. They believe that they can persuade others. Those leaders prefer to say these words.;3.“听说、据说、听人说” It is said that, people say that, they say that, be told that etc. These guys are well informed but hesitant. Also, these sophisticated people usually say these words.;4. “可能是吧、或许是吧、大概是吧” Perhaps, Maybe, Probably etc. These guys are very defensive. They seldom tell others what they are thinking. They are calm. The politicians say these words frequently.;5.“但是,不过” But, However, Nevertheless etc. They use However to protect themselves. To some extent, it reflects that these guys are mild.;Library Work;;Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) was an Australian doctor who developed a new system for understanding the way that peoples minds work, and a new way of treating mental illness called psychoanalysis (精神分析学). He wrote The Interpretation of Dreams and The Ego and the Id.; Sigmund?Freud,?one?of?the?crucial?authors?and?thinkers?of?the?20th? century,?was?born?in?Moravia?[m?reivj?]in?1856,?and?taken?to?Vienna?as?a?child?by?his?Jewish?father?and?mother.? Only?a?few?professions?were?open?to?Jews?in?19th-century?Vienna,?one?of?them?being?medicine.?Freud?consequently? received?a?medical?degree?in?1881,?and?then?wrote?on?hysteria. He?would?become?the?founder?of?modern?psychoanalysis,?among?his?many?other?achievements. Freud?died?in?England?in?1939,?after?being?ransomed?from?the? Gastapo?subsequent?to?the?Nazi?takeover?in?Austria.?It?is?now?exactly?150?years?since?his?birth?and?twothirds


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