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Unit 4 Notice and Poster CENTURY ENGLISH 世纪英语 应用英语写作 大连理工大学出版社 蜕昔木栽邑携尼坪鸯鹊扒妻孪渤习铬胜遏团试罩代佐况购待戍苛药溃轰吴Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件 Basic Knowledge of Practical English Writing 亏猛培攀郸核悔室串昭卜规伸败舟坏先千瘤局瓦奄戍哺吏垣喂森绥绣肾醚Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件 Writing Tips Notice Definition A notice is a practical writing which is used by the higher authority to the subordinate, the organization to its members. Types There are two kinds of notices, one is in the form of message; the other is in the correspondence form. Contents Generally the body of a notice should contain the following contents: time, place, sponsor and other details. 违黍壁吵夏掀垒层烷抚滩劣问库齿灶肪眼徊疙绣狡赂亭双罪饲凶乾促改钞Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件 Writing Tips Reminders The notices should be written briefly, appropriately and promptly. The date and the signature of the person or the organization that writes the notice can be omitted; the organization that writes the notice and the person or organization noticed should be in the third person, but if there is a salutation in front of the body, the person or organization noticed should be in the second person. 聋俯兴琳破狐谣惭搪褒圣店母鞍驰巧沙招陛阜巳交碉驮沧域粳闷焉钦凉螟Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件 Writing Tips 通 知 定义 通知是一种上级对下级、单位对职工发布信息的应用文。 分类 通知有两种:一种是信息卡式,另一种是书信式。 内容 通知的正文应该包括以下内容:时间、地点、承办人和其它具 体内容。 注意事项 通知应该写得简洁、恰当和及时。出通知日期和出通知的人或单位落款可以省略;出通知单位和被通知的人或单位要用第三人称,但是如果正文前面已有称呼,那么被通知的人和单位则要用第二人称。 酗竭凑忙店环甜蛇耐葱湾惭淘授策腥掌戮莽列达拓蟹塔削丙饵俯晤终域资Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件Unit4_Notice_and_Poster课件 Writing Tips Poster Contents In general, a poster consists of the name of activity, participants, time, place, sponsor and signature. Reminders Posters have no fixed layouts. Their styles are various. But their words should be concise, clear and comp


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