Unit5 Enjoying novels课件.ppt

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Unit5 Enjoying novels课件

Unit 5 Enjoying novels;Warming up ;闸幼免砌畅饲笼点蓖岂宫讳睁擒践醚骚政俄庶矽锤聋苫披炳红领捅勺带黔Unit5 Enjoying novels课件Unit5 Enjoying novels课件;1.Look at these literary genres. Which do you enjoy most? Why?;2.Do you like classic or modern literature? 3.Which do you like better, English novels or Chinese novels? What English novels have you read? ;4.Can you say something of the story you like best? Why do you enjoy reading it? ;Pre-reading;Can you match the titles of these famous novels to the authors?;Margaret Mitchell;Charles Dickens British (1812-1870) ; Charles Dickens;It was the best of Times. It was the worst of Times. ;Oliver Twist;且溜鼎瘪句乏桅枯险墟缩掏晕溃芜绍挪范齿莆奇苞魏昧卷啤群氢悬葬盛斥Unit5 Enjoying novels课件Unit5 Enjoying novels课件;Jane Austen;Thomas Hardy;Reading ;Name of writer;Answer these questions:;2 Which writer was the most reserved in her descriptions of feelings? Why do we still read her books? ;3 In which way were George Eliots books similar to those of Charles Dickens?;4 In which way were George Eliots books similar to those of Charlotte Bronte?;Language points;1 At this time the only respectable career for a woman was to marry,so the dilemma of her heroines was also to marry hut for love那时,女性唯一受到尊重的事业就是嫁人,所以她作品中的女主人公也为了无爱情的婚姻所困扰。 respectable可以形容人,也可以形容某件事,意思是”符台社会道德标准的;正派的;正当的;值得尊敬的”,;常见的搭配有: respectable citizens遵纪守法的公民 a respectable girl一位正派的姑娘 respectable manners文明的举止 a respectable household正经人家;区别respectable和respectful:respectable指获得 来自外人的尊敬,“受人尊敬的”,而respectful指对外人的尊敬,“恭敬的”。如: No respectable girl would associate with a man like him没有哪个正派姑娘愿意和他这样的人交往。 I wish you would be mole respectful to your father 我真希望你对你的父亲能更尊敬一点。 ;dilemma的意思是“两难处境”,在本句中的“两 难”指的是“要么找不到真爱就不结婚,要么就同意缔结没有爱情基础的婚姻”。如; Mary’s dilemma was whether to go to the party in her old dress or to stay at home玛丽的难处在于是穿旧衣服去聚会还是待在家里。;You put me in a dilemma你让我进退两难。 The doctor’s dilemma was whether he should tell the patient the truth or not 这个医生处于是否告诉患者真相的两难境地。 在本句中,butfor是“除了。除 以外”的 意思,相当于except


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