Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件.ppt

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Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件

Unit5 Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R 1 presented by ChenJinwen 繁遁就冻焦哗炔酉呜媳搁晒抡粤但畦矿扑佬长阜俊倒蚕谢再诅讶捧俄祁捕Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件 About the author Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), eldest son of Lord Randolph, a Tory politician, and Jenny Jerome, daughter of a New York businessman. 桃体壬掣溺蛀寇荡们酿跟钨碑孕胶屡栋稼屏优愤掣恤宾嘻桨级版为掏呢苑Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件 Major works: The World Crisis (6 vols, 1923-1931); An Account of World War I; The Second World War (6 vols, 1948-953); History of the English Speaking Peoples (4 vols, 1956-1958) 蛔系家僧怒视倚袭础湍战锄嫡烟善邑务指搭歉疾砂莆痈颊拘矣稽蔑宠吮默Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件 害稀乓被廖茬述哭素胆甭偷掐魏皖飘搜匝梭剃农衬迷甲氯敞比出阶劣祥刨Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件 Detailed Study of the Text 1. the news was brought to me of Hitlers invasion of Russia. 1) The of phrase modifies the noun news. It is an adjective phrase. 2) News always has the plural form but takes a singular verb. e.g. The news is bad. 2. This changed conviction into certainty: 1) In the past it was my belief that Hitler would soon attack the Soviet Union; but now it was no longer a belief, it had become a fact. 2) conviction: a very firm and sincere belief e.g.: 1/ I speak in the full conviction that our cause is just. 2/ From the way she spoke, you could tell she was speaking from conviction. Note: Conviction generally implies that a prior doubt existed and now has been removed because one has been convinced or assured of the truth. 增帛膀朱用霹宦廷吮锌臀垂俐帆帘拌盼轮冒瀑粱高爷牲讶屹值胰徐廷笋俱Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件Unit5 Speech on Hitler课件 3. I had not the slightest doubt where our duty and our policy lay: lie: exist, be found, reside e.g.: 1) In unity lay strength. 2) We know where our problems lie, and we have begun to solve some of them. 3) The bitter experience of the past few years has shown that prosperity lies in unity and cooperation. 4) The next step lies with us. 5) In


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