Unit 8 Identity Theft课件.ppt

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Unit 8 Identity Theft课件

Unit 8 Identity Theft;Gist of the article;Flock is applied to a congregation of animals of one kind, especially sheep or goats herded by human beings, and to any congregation of wild or domesticated birds, especially when on the ground. It is also applicable to people who form the membership of a church or to people under someones care or supervision. Flock 适用于尤指由人类放养的绵羊或山羊等一群同类的牲畜,还适用于任何一群在地面上活动的野生的或家养的禽类动物,也适用于组成同一教派的成员们或受某人管理或监督的一些人。 Herd is used of a number of animals, especially cattle, herded by human beings; or of wild animals such as antelope, elephants, and zebras; or of whales and seals. Applied to people, it is used disparagingly of a crowd or of the masses and suggests the gregarious aspect of crowd psychology. Herd 用来指一群牛等由人放养的动物;或是羚羊、大象和斑马等野生动物;也可指鲸或海豹。用于指人时,是对一群人或群众的蔑称,并且暗指大众心理的群体性特征。 Pack is applicable to any body of animals, especially wolves, or of birds, especially grouse, and to a body of hounds trained to hunt as a unit. It also refers disparagingly to a band or group of persons. Pack 适用于狼或鸟群等任何兽群,尤指松鸡,还可指一群作为一个整体训练以作打猎用的猎狗,也可指对一帮或一群人的蔑称。;【复数】 utilities The quality or condition of being useful; usefulness: 功用,效用:有效用的特征或状态;有用,实用: “I have always doubted the utility of these conferences on disarmament” (Winston S. Churchill) “我一直怀疑这些裁军会议的效用”(温斯顿S.丘吉尔) A useful article or device.有用的物体或器械 equipment The act of equipping or the state of being equipped. 装备:装备的行为或被装备的状态 Something with which a person, an organization, or a thing is equipped. 设备装置:用来装备人、组织或事物的东西 The rolling stock especially of a transportation system. 配备:尤指某一种交通系统中的车辆;;;;;;facility 灵巧,熟练 He has great facility in learning languages. 他有学语言的天赋。 Her facility with / in languages is surprising. 她在语言方面的才能令人吃惊。 He showed great facility in performing task. 他工作很熟练。 (pl) 设???,设备 There are facilities for cooking in the kitchen. 厨房里有烹饪设备。 Are there washing facilities in the school? 学校里有洗涤设备吗? appliance n.(名词) A device or instrument designed to perform a specific function, especially an electri


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