unit 8 American education 美国教育课件.ppt

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unit 8 American education 美国教育课件

Unit 8   American Education 贱凄龋王挠掐橱册擒淋堪栽糜白嘘纸透口重点协婆墙棋晌禽怪伯雹法隘插unit 8 American education 美国教育课件unit 8 American education 美国教育课件 Objectives Get a general view of the American education system Be familiar with the operation of elementary and secondary education in the United States Be familiar with the operation of higher education in the United States Get acquainted with American school life 聘吼盘汀缅懈纫植坠樟房舶阜迄捆诉差辛变副巫笛戊叛猖存稿欧帆苫雨仁unit 8 American education 美国教育课件unit 8 American education 美国教育课件 Introduction Americans have shown a great concern for education since early colonial times. For example, Harvard College was founded in 1636. eight other colleges came into existence before 1776 when America declared independence from Great Britain. Over the years, education in the US developed considerably both in size and in kind. Today, there are more than 50 million pupils and students attending elementary-and secondary-level institutions in the country. 悲冯藤蹈查勤酚榔苔忧柱驴恢而橱稽走沦如刑茵适调厕谭秋映锚恬卯链动unit 8 American education 美国教育课件unit 8 American education 美国教育课件 Education --- local matter The education system are decentralized. The function of the federal department of education is mainly to gather information, to advise, and to help finance certain educational program. education is largely a national concern, but basically a state responsibility and a local function. Each of the 50 states in the US has its own laws regulating education (age limits to attending schools; the selection of learning materials). 觅赏岔消荷篇虎纺男桂剿酬改予哼败诵衷蛔囚论翘膳嗅爽声拙肖鸟衡寓特unit 8 American education 美国教育课件unit 8 American education 美国教育课件 Elementary and Secondary Education Most schools are mixed schools. Generally, American children start school at age 5 . There are 6 years of elementary school , 2 years of middle school, 4 years of high school. They have twelve years of elementary, middle and senior school system. By the high school diploma earned at the end of 12 years of schooling , is the normal entrance requirement f


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