涨停基因的暗示(Limit gene hint).doc

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涨停基因的暗示(Limit gene hint)

涨停基因的暗示(Limit gene hint) Limit gene hint: Times of expansion, is the main Kongpan good, repeated test plate; The legs are the main step on the line , relying on gold, against opponents; Yin long short column, is the main initiative, cleansing; False really Yin Yang, is the main deliberately confuse opponents state; Precision is the main step on the line, very careful in reckoning, steady. This article comes from: stock Sea Lighting Forum detailed article reference: /thread-442150-1-1.html Only learning with an open mind is the way out: The explanation column line wave terms selected (1) [Changyinduanzhu] Yin long short column -- the special words that describe the form of K line and the shape of measuring column. Long Yin refers to the Long Yin K line (usually in front of the Yang K line long), short column refers to a short column of Yin (usually in front of its Yang column short, double contraction better). Prince theory believes that Long Yin short column on the surface of the stock price crash, but the amount can be reduced, in essence, false fall.. Dont scare the main pressure volume, retail, Xichou xipan. Yin long short column for the main, amount of columns are easy to have type L shaped column group, is low volume column or column, after that pulled the market potential. Yin long short column false or bottom gapped starting times of trading volume pulled around the corner. Aphorism: Long Yin, short column, offensive like tiger.. Long Yin short column is one of the potential genes for stock trading. [Changtuicaixian] legs step on the line -- special words that describe the form and quantity of k-line. Long legs refers to the next lead K line is relatively long, the shape of legs; step is also called point line refers to the lowest point legs step back golden line (precision line and bottom line and so on the important balance line). The prince Theory: legs step on the line is the essence of the main force in the detection of price pressure, pole support, reve



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