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美容院如何打造完美品牌(How to create a perfect brand in beauty salons)
美容院如何打造完美品牌(How to create a perfect brand in beauty salons)
Beauty salons provide beauty care, skin care, hydrotherapy and other beauty services. There are beauty salons, womens clubs, spa several categories. Well, how do beauty salons create a perfect brand?
1, brand positioning
The simple understanding of brand image can be regarded as the impression of brand in the minds of consumers. It is the sum total of all impressions of the brand by consumers. Different brand images are suitable for different consumer groups. The positioning strategy of brand image will determine what kind of competition ability you will gain in what kind of group. Brand positioning usually study the following aspects: category characteristics, product difference, brand image, previous relative price, consumer groups and consumption habits and use groups, cultural mentality, life style of consumption etc.. Through the study of each of the above, we can get the main points of the brand image. If we find too many points, we can use the Garter law and price right average method to filter.
2, positioning the market position
The management strategy of a beauty parlor is closely related to its market position. In general, we can divide the market status of a beauty salon into four types: market leaders, challengers, followers, and vacancy holders. For market leaders, the right strategies are generally to keep the advantage, keep the leader, and increase the market breadth or service items. For challengers, we should adopt the strategy of differentiation management or the strategy of catching up in the local competition. For followers, not necessarily in the management of the pursuit of a breakthrough, but can consider in the local market for deep development. As for the market participants, we should pay attention to the prudent evaluation of the value of the market, and in some cases, we should also consider the ability of continuous investment and the cost of market access. Generally speaking,
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