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Don’t learn English in the way your brain dislikes It dislikes mechanical repetition 1. How to memorize new words? 2. Make it fun! 3. Imagine that you are amusing yourself ! Negative emotions are detrimental to learning 1. Impatient 2. Frustrated 3. Bored 4. Dissatisfied 5. Defensive 6. Judgmental 7. Stressed 8. fearful 9. Angry 10. depressed 11. hostile Make it fun to monitor your positive and negative emotions every day It dislikes overloading 1. If you eat excessively, you cannot digest the intake. Worse still, you get stomach trouble. 2. The same with your brain: Excessive information or too many tasks at a time explode your head off ! It hates irregular sleep patterns and lack of sleep Life-long learning 3-M learning to empower life journey We learn to live, and live to learn ! We learn multimodally via multimedia in multiple environments. (3-M Learning) Brain Gym 1. Distancing negative experiences: A. Show a smile to your negative experience B. Re-interpret your negative experiences by seeing the positive side C. never worry about the things beyond your control D. Remind ourselves: Things once done cannot be undone! Brain Gym 1. Maximizing positive emotions ? Use positive clues, e.g. ? beautiful photos, ? lovely music, etc. To start my day Looking forward What What makes a good writer. 好作文是写出来的 好作文是改出来的 Our way 1. teacher’s lecture 夫子论道 2. sample selection 他山之石 3. student pieces 秀才文章 4. peer review 同伴互评 (guided) 5. teacher’s comments 朱笔圈点 建立以主题为类的作文库 note:不是范文,是peers’ piece (demonstrate samples) 3 things to ponder 有错必纠? Error / mistake 商榷语气 negotiating 朱笔如何点? (samples to demonstrate ) Let’s play a game : Oral composition 1. When 2.where 3. Who 4. What happened 5. A said:… 6. B answered:… 7. The ending Books to recommend : 3 The Longman Writer’s Companion. Chris M. Anson, Roberrt A. Schwegler, Marcia F. Muth Longman Publishing Group, 1999. Books to recommend : 3 The P


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