2011届物理高考一轮复习专题四整合(2011 session of physics college entrance examination round review topic four conformity).doc

2011届物理高考一轮复习专题四整合(2011 session of physics college entrance examination round review topic four conformity).doc

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2011届物理高考一轮复习专题四整合(2011 session of physics college entrance examination round review topic four conformity)

2011届物理高考一轮复习专题四整合(2011 session of physics college entrance examination round review topic four conformity) This paper contributed by FLY_V. PPT document may at the WAP end of the browsing experience poor. Suggest you select TXT, or download the source file to the machine view. Integration The characteristics of the geostationary satellite in the equator: characteristics of relative ground static geostationary satellites over the equator relative to the ground with a fixed height, static, with a fixed height, linear velocity, angular velocity and cycle has a fixed height line velocity, angular velocity, 1. (2008. National Science I, 14) as shown in Figure 4 - 1, a top fixed inclined angle along the object from the National Water Chemistry I shown in national science such as the one shown in object from angle of fixed inclined throw top theta along the horizontal direction after falling on the slant angle direction of the objects. With the speed and level of the inclined contact meet (square to throw down the object and direction angle phi meet the inclined contact speed and level on slope.) Figure 4 - 1 - A.tan = sin = C.tan. Theta Phi Phi = Tan = B.tan = cos. Theta Phi theta phi. = D.tan = 2tan = 0. The main test of horizontal projectile motion displacement, velocity. The analytical objects from the top of slope to throw plane: mainly examines the horizontal projectile motion displacement and velocity law. Objects from the top of slope to throw plane angle of horizontal projectile motion displacement and the horizontal direction is equal to the slope angle, angle displacement and horizontal projectile motion process the direction is equal to the slope angle, Tan angle theta = = tangent angle tangent velocity direction on the inclined plane and the horizontal direction of the value of Tan to Phi = speed direction on a slope and the horizontal direction so tan = 2tan D = Phi theta, right. Right. So the correct answer: =. Answer: D, fall 2. (2009 - Jiangsu, 4) in the


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