35 方式副词(35 way adverb).doc

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35 方式副词(35 way adverb)

35 方式副词(35 way adverb) 35 way adverb After A in verb adverb: She danced beautifully. She is graceful. When the verbs, it is located after the object: He gave her the money reluctantly. He reluctantly gave her money. They speak English well. They speak English well. Dont put the adverb in between verb and object. B encountered verb + preposition + object structure, the adverb can be placed before or after the object preposition: He looked at me suspiciously.He looked suspiciously at me. He looked at me suspiciously. However, if the object consists of several words, before the adverb in preposition: He looked suspiciously at everyone who got off the plane. He looked suspiciously at every person down from the plane. C also contains object verb + object sentence length also determines the position of adverbs. If the object is relatively short, with the verb + object + adverbial word order, such as the above B. However, if the object is longer, usually put before the verb adverb: She carefully picked up all the bits of broken glass. She picked up all the pieces of glass carefully. He angrily denied that he had stolen the documents. He angrily denied that he stole those files. They secretly decided to leave the town. They secretly decided to leave the city. D note: if the adverb in clauses or phrases, usually think that it modifies clauses or phrases in verb. Therefore, if the last one in the se cretly moved to the end of the sentence, changed the meaning of the sentence: They secretly decided... They secretly decided...... (the decision itself is secret.) They decided to leave the town secretly. They decided to leave this city secretly. (left the action is secret.) E said the character and intelligence of adverbs such as foolishly, generously, kindly, stupidly in the verb said foolishly generous kindness: I foolishly forgot my passport. I foolishly forgot my passport. He generously paid for us all. He generously paid for us all. He kindly waited for me. He kindly waited



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