c 语言总复习(C language review).doc

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c 语言总复习(C language review)

c 语言总复习(C language review) 1) there are three kinds of program structures: sequential structures, cyclic structures (three cyclic structures), selection structures (if and switch) - 2) read the program from the main () entrance, and then read down from the top order (cycle, cycle, encounter, select, select). - 3) the computers data is stored in a binary form in the computer. The location of the data is his address. - - - 4) bit means 0 or 1. Byte is a byte, a byte = eight bits 5) must remember how binary into a decimal. - Concepts often tested: - 1, compilation preprocessing is not part of the C language, no longer running time. C language compiled procedures, known as the source, which is stored in the ASCII value in the text file. - 2 、 in every C language program, the main function has and has only one. - 3, functions cannot be redefined in a function. - 4, the algorithm must have output, he can not input. - 5 and break can be used for loop structures and switch statements. - 6, the comma operator has the lowest level. - Chapter 1 - 1) legal user identifiers: - Legal requirements are made up of letters, numbers, and underscores. There are other elements wrong. - And the first one must be a letter or the underscore. The first number is wrong. - Keyword cannot be used as a user identifier. Main, define, scanf, printf are not keywords. Where you are confused, If can be used as a user identifier. Since the first letter in If is capitalized, it is not a keyword. - 2) the legal form of substantive data: - 2.333e-1 is legal and the data is 2.333 * 10-1. - The test formula: before e e will e be an integer number. . 3) the legal form of character data: - 1is a character that takes one byte, and 1 is a string that occupies two bytes (containing an end symbol). - The ASCII value of0is 48, the ASCII value ofa is 97, and the ASCII value ofAis 65. - 4) an integer is usually two bytes, the character type is a byte, and the double precision is generally 4 bytes: - The exam is us



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