2014英国剑桥大学申请条件介绍(2014 University of Cambridge introduced the application conditions).doc

2014英国剑桥大学申请条件介绍(2014 University of Cambridge introduced the application conditions).doc

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2014英国剑桥大学申请条件介绍(2014 University of Cambridge introduced the application conditions)

2014英国剑桥大学申请条件介绍(2014 University of Cambridge introduced the application conditions) 2014 University of Cambridge introduced the application conditions 2014 University of Cambridge introduced the application conditions. About University of Cambridge, for students who want to study abroad, it is a representative of the status and authority of the British university. In the UK the limelight Jin in the UK except Oxford almost no university can with me. The following study abroad network () foreign experts for all the detail of the University of Cambridge in the condition of application, for reference only. A Level course Beller, British school secondary education and higher education courses, ALevel courses, students enter the UK public university students pass through in-depth study, the future will be in the most challenging and competitive talent shows itself in university undergraduate study. Specialty of University of Cambridge: Department of architecture and art history; ancient Greece and Rome language and Literature Department; Department of philosophy; modern and medieval English Department; Department of linguistics; music department; East Department; Department of economics; Department of history; Department of education; Department of theology; Department of law; social and Political Science Department of Earth Sciences; Department of geography; Department of engineering; Department of mathematics; Department of physical chemistry; Department of physical chemistry; Department of Archaeology and anthropology; Department of medicine; Department of computer; history of philosophy of science and technology; Department of land economy; management system; Department of biology. Application notes: 1, the age: 15 years old and above half; 2, admission requirements: English: IELTS 5.5 or TOEFL 513 (computer-based TOEFL 183, iBT65 or GCSE) English language achievement reached A-C; the English language proficiency of students, you can begin the A Level program at Bell


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