320间接引语中的命令、请求、劝告jxq(320 command, request, advice in indirect speech, jxq).doc

320间接引语中的命令、请求、劝告jxq(320 command, request, advice in indirect speech, jxq).doc

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320间接引语中的命令、请求、劝告jxq(320 command, request, advice in indirect speech, jxq)

320间接引语中的命令、请求、劝告jxq(320 command, request, advice in indirect speech, jxq) 320 indirect speech command, request, advice Direct command: He said, Lie down Tom. He said: lie down, Tom. Indirect command: He told Tom to lie down. He told Tom to lie down. Indirect command, request and advise usually express a command, request, advice of the verb + object + infinitive (= object + infinitive structure) to express. A use the following verbs: advise, ask, beg, command, encourage, forbid, Entreat, implore, invite, order, recommend, remind, tell, urge, warn Request. (Note: say is not included in these verbs, reporting on the use of say indirect command / request, see section 321st.) He said, Get your coat, Tom! He said: Tom, get your coat! Amount to: He told Tom to get his coat. He told Tom to wear a coat. You had better hurry, Bill! She said. She said: Bill, you better hurry! Amount to: She advised Bill to hurry. She advised Bill to hurry. B negative meaning of order and request through common not + infinitive reporting: Don t swim out too far, boys, I said. I said: the children, not to swim out too far. Amount to: I warned / told the boys not to swim out too far. I warned the children that they dont swim out too far. Forbid can also be used to represent the ban, but not too much for the passive voice and active voice for. C is shown above the verb plus object + infinitive requirements, which must be directly behind them talk to each other, without the preposition. (see section eighty-ninth.) In direct orders, requests often speak each other not to mention: He said, Go away! He said: go away! When reporting such commands or requests, must be added to a noun or pronoun: He told me / him / her / US / them / the children to go away. He called me / him / her / US / them / the children away. There is some difference between the ask and A shown in the verb, ask can also be directly behind with some verbs (such as see, speak, to, talk, to) with to infinitive: He said, Could I see T



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