34岁男子为情所困喝酒喝到肌肉溶解(A 34 year old man trapped drink drink to dissolving muscle).doc

34岁男子为情所困喝酒喝到肌肉溶解(A 34 year old man trapped drink drink to dissolving muscle).doc

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34岁男子为情所困喝酒喝到肌肉溶解(A 34 year old man trapped drink drink to dissolving muscle)

34岁男子为情所困喝酒喝到肌肉溶解(A 34 year old man trapped drink drink to dissolving muscle) Before the Hangzhou major hospital admissions drunk 30% less than the same period last year, the Spring Festival party is best to drink less A 34 year old man trapped drink drink to dissolving muscle Before the Hangzhou major hospital admissions drunk 30% less than the same period last year, the Spring Festival party is best to drink less The reporter correspondent Lou Jianli Huang Miaojun Thrifty holidays initiative, so many units no longer engage in dinner on the table, all kinds of waste greatly reduced. From the Hangzhou hospitals feedback situation, this year the unit dinner banquet, situation is greatly reduced, significantly reduce the reception of a drunken man, compared with the same period last year fell 30%. However, hospital admissions of a case of drunken lead to rhabdomyolysis in patients, this is the first time the hospital met nearly 5 years of cases. The young man trapped dead drunk Because the young man drunk cause rhabdomyolysis 34 year old girlfriend broke up on the end of the month, on the spur of the moment he terrified...... The day before yesterday morning, friends for two days to play the phone can not contact him, he rushed home to see. He found that the smell of wine down on the bed, push it push up, immediately call the emergency phone. The young man was sent to the hospital emergency room, diagnosed as drunk caused rhabdomyolysis. Yesterday morning, the doctor rounds, the young mans neck also shows the drunken flush. After careful inquiry, did not know before the incident, he drank 82 liquor. Dw6666. Regal Entertainment City com before this, the young man or alcohol dependent subjects, meet the unsatisfactory thing often, just terrified. Drunk does not directly lead to rhabdomyolysis, but after drinking, no one care, long time to maintain a posture of lying in bed, resulting in excessive blocking caused rhabdomyolysis in creatine, renal tubules, and severe indu



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