35非限定动词jk(35 non finite verb JK).doc

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35非限定动词jk(35 non finite verb JK)

35非限定动词jk(35 non finite verb JK) The non finite verb I Participle and participle phrase usage 1) as the attributive attributive participle if words, generally placed before the noun it modifies. Such as: Im reading a very interesting book. I am reading a very interesting book. He likes to drink cold boiled water. he love to drink boiling water. When used as attributive participle phrases, back is put on the noun it modifies. Its function is equivalent to the attributive clause. Such as: China is a developing socialist country belonging to the Third world. Chinese is a developing socialist country, which belongs to the third world. (= which belongs to the Third World) The man The man sitting it the corner is my brother. sitting in the corner is my brother. (= who is sitting in the comer) Most of the people invited to the party did not come. most of the people invited to the party did not come. (= who were invited to the party.) 2) is The opera is very moving and instructive. the opera is very moving and instructive. The cups are broken. the glass is broken. He is married. he was married. [note] participles as predicative use, equivalent to the adjective, can not be confused with the participle tense and the passive voice. Similar to their form, but can be distinguished from sense. Compare: Lei Fengs spirit is inspiring the people all over the country. Lei Feng inspired the national people. (are) His report is inspiring. his report is encouraging. (present participle predicative) The road was completed by the PLA men. this road was completed by the PLA men. (passive voice) The road is completed. this road has been built. (the past participle used as predicative) 3) adverbial participle in meaning can also be used as adverbial, time, reason, way and said with so. A) said the time (in the sense of the adverbial clause of time). Such as: Looking out of the window, I saw groups of children passing by the house. I look out of the window, saw groups of children walked from



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