346 名词从句作动词宾语(The 346 noun clause is the object of the verb).doc

346 名词从句作动词宾语(The 346 noun clause is the object of the verb).doc

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346 名词从句作动词宾语(The 346 noun clause is the object of the verb)

346 名词从句作动词宾语(The 346 noun clause is the object of the verb) 346 noun clauses as the object of a verb Many A said after the exchange of ideas is the main verb can use the that clause. lower Some of the more common is the verb: Acknowledge decide (WH) imply Admit demand indicate (WH) Advise demonstrate inform Agree determine insist Allege discover know (WH) Announce doubt learn Appear estimate (WH) make out (=state) Arrange (WH) expect mean Ask (WH) fear notice (WH) Assume feel observe Assure find (WH) occur prototype to + object Beg forget (WH) Order Believe (WH) guarantee perceive Command happen presume Confess hear (WH) pretend Consider (WH) hope promise Declare magine (WH) propose Prove (WH) say (WH) think (WH) Realize (WH) see (WH) threaten Recognize seem turn out Recommend show (WH) understand (WH) Remark state (WH) urge Remember (WH) stipulate vow Remind suggest (WH) warn Request suppose (WH) wish Resolve teach wonder (WH) Reveal (WH) tell (WH) In addition, you can also use the that clause, after some other said communication verbs such as complain, deny, explain etc.. (see section 316th C.) On top of the table in the wh below E. Such as: They alleged / made out that they had been unjustly dismissed. They claim / claim they are being unfairly dismissed. He assumes that we agree with him. He assumes that we agree with him. I can prove that she did it. I can prove that she did it. B most verbs with another structure. (see Chapter twenty-third to chapter twenty-sixth.) Note: verb That clause are not necessarily the same verb + infinitive or gerund / present participle: He saw her answering means the same as the letters (he saw her in the letter) as he saw her doing it. But the He saw that she answered the letters has two meanings: or he noticed that she did this, or he did make her by urging did this. C appear, happen, occur, seem, turn, out with it as the subject: It appears / seems that we have come on the wrong day. If we have not the time. It occurred to me t



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