32位系统与内存限制(32 bit system and memory limit).doc

32位系统与内存限制(32 bit system and memory limit).doc

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32位系统与内存限制(32 bit system and memory limit)

32位系统与内存限制(32 bit system and memory limit) In the following, agreed Direct addressing said OS and applications without additional conversion and direct access to the physical address, Physical addressing (plane addressing) said processor through all the address line to physical address access, Virtual addressing said OS and application after page management mechanism after conversion of virtual memory access, Extended said indirect access to physical address space for high-end processor beyond the direct addressing ability. The physical address including RAM, ROM, AGP/PCI/PCI-E address space The address identifies a single byte in a specific operation, access to information must be given, If the physical address is 32 words, only the direct management of 2^32 Bytes = 4GB physical address space. PSE:Page Size Extension page size extension, from P5 (Pentium) began to introduce the hardware technology. PAE:Physical Address Extension physical address extension, more advanced hardware technology, From P6 (Pentium Pro) is introduced, is synonymous with the 32 bit extension addressing. VAS:Virtual Address Space virtual address space; VM:Virtual Memory virtual memory, which refers to the OS/CPU page in the management of all logical storage space. Sometimes say a process of VAS or VM, that is part of the process of all available space. Please note the distinction between the two concepts of virtual memory and swap / swap file: Swap / swap file is used to store part of the external storage part of the page in a virtual memory, Another part of the page in a virtual memory in the internal memory, which is the physical memory. 32 bit operating system by page management VAS, x86 architecture using 4KB~4MB page size, If 4MB, only the 2^10 pages 4GB. (some of the RISC system by 16MB giant paging) However, given only the paging number is not sufficient for direct access to information, and the need to do the conversion: The final or one byte of a byte to the physical address space i



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