30部心理剧(30 Psychological Plays).doc

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30部心理剧(30 Psychological Plays)

30部心理剧(30 Psychological Plays) One day apart, such as three autumns. I am born to be useful, the daughter also cleared to resume. Crystal breeze curtain moving, full frame house rose fragrance. We are dying, not sticking to formalities of talented people. All men are mortal., according to retain loyalty. 30 see the movie psychology Reprinted from Wangwang reproduced in November 28, 2009 08:24 reading comments (5) (0) Classification: miscellaneous World Report 1. love inflatable doll Lars and the real girl psychology aspect: autism, paranoia. Although RYAN is not a classic but he had a good performance 2. thumb sucking Thumbsucker psychology aspect: ADHD Ritalin, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 3. elephant elephant psychology aspect: the movie with an unimaginable time - space language challenges the traditional film realism, from this point of view, the discussion naturally into a philosophical level, a fact that has already happened, the time has passed, and the judgment to recall the perception system can restore the truth itself? A departure from the phenomenon and to arrive at the truth? Whether that is the essential experience of things? Between the reality of film art of fiction and reality in the end what is the relationship? The topic from Husserls phenomenology until Deleuzes image - time theory seems to have been extended, we would like to see Garth in this movie, any reason, whether the power discourse ideology or purely theoretical discourse / derivation, the phenomenon in the jungle is how blind and ignorant. He said, my brother like Columbus, I will absolutely ignorant of about everything, perhaps as the Lola scurry prologue, the film only 90 minutes, the rest is theory! The gus Van Sant GAY brings us all is the heart of the shock of 4. secret window Secret Window aspect: DID, multiple personality psychology. Johnny one of the best students were more powerful than pirates.. 5. ID Identity deadly aspect: the psychology of dissociative identit



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