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《英语文体学》课程教学大纲 课程编号:ENGL3002 课程类别:授课对象:英语、英语师范专业 开课学期:秋(第7学期) 学 分:2 主讲教师:王军 指定教材:《。 教学目的:英语文体学是一门实用性非常强的学科,对阅读、翻译、文章分析、文章欣赏以及得体地使用英语都有很大的帮助,此外,英语文体学也是英语语言学研究重要的基础性学科之一。作为一门课程,英语文体学主要由两部分构成:其一为文体学研究主要内容介绍,包括文体类型、文体特征、文体价值等方面,其次为具体文体分析方法介绍。 第一课 Introduction to Stylistics 课时:第一周,共2课时 教学内容:What is stylistics and how is it associated with other linguistic studies? 第一节: The position of stylistics in general linguistics. The importance of studying stylistics. 第二节: What is stylistics? The major contents of this study. Issues that need to be born in mind. 思考题: How to do stylistics in the framework of literature or translation? What do you expect to learn from this course? 第二课 Style and Stylistics 课时:第二周,共2课时 教学内容:The development and scope of stylistics 第一节: The definition of style and stylistics. The relationship between appreciation and research. 第二节: The development of stylistics. The scope of stylistics. 思考题: What are the major differences between style and stylistics? What areas in society can the knowledge of stylistics be applied to? 第三课 Procedure of stylistic analysis (1) 课时:第三周,共2课时 教学内容:Linguistic description 第一节: Linguistic description: methods and procedures. 第一节: A checklist of linguistic description. The functions of each one. 思考题: Why do we need linguistic description? Think about the significance of conducting linguistic description. 第四课 Procedure of stylistic analysis (2) 课时:第四周,共2课时 教学内容:Textual analysis and contextual factors analysis 第一节: What is textual analysis? How to conduct textual analysis? 第二节: A classification of contextual factors. How to analyze contextual factors? 思考题: How do you understand the relationship between understanding and textual analysis? Are there other ways to classify contextual factors? 第五课 Stylistic functions of linguistic items 课时:第五周,共2课时 教学内容:Stylistic functions as defined at different leve


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