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STUDIES IN CHINESE LEARNING AND TEACHING ISSUE 3 PP. 57-66 Suggested Citation: 李惠文, 李顺清, 韩丽芬. (2017). 在美中文教师常见的文化冲击及对策. 汉语学习 与教学研究, 3, 57-66. Or, Li, H., Li, S., Han, L. (2017). Culture Shock Chinese Language Teachers Commonly Encounter in the US and Coping Strategies. Studies in Chinese Learning and Teaching, 3, 57-66. 在美中文教师常见的文化冲击及对策1 Culture Shock Chinese Language Teachers Commonly Encounter in the US and Coping Strategies 李惠文 (Li, Huiwen), Cleveland State University 李顺清 (Li, Shunqing), Lianyungang Open University 韩丽芬(Han, Lifen), Cleveland State University 摘要:自大陆来美的中文教师常常经历很大的文化冲击,本研究采用问卷、访谈、查阅 个人报告等方法,对美国俄亥俄州部分地区的中小学中文教师在教学中遇到的文化冲突进 行了调查,发现问题主要表现在师生关系、课堂管理、教育理念及教学方式、同事关系等 几个方面,建议通过培训、辅导、咨询等方面进行知识、技能、心理、文化适应等方面提 高教师敢于面对和应对文化冲击的能力。 关键词:中文教师,文化冲击,原因,对策 Abstract: Chinese language teachers from Mainland China often experience a big culture shock when beginning to teach in the US. The present study, by employing questionnaire, interview, and self-reflection approaches, investigates the negative experience of this kind that those teachers have had in K-12 schools in the State of Ohio. The result shows that major culture shock issues happen in the teacher-student relationship building and maintenance, classroom management, teaching belief and strategy, peer relationship, and more. Training, consultation, and counseling strategies are suggested to expand teachers’ knowledge and improve the teachers’ skills in dealing with culture shock and making better culture adjustment. Keywords: Chinese language teachers in the US, culture shock, reason, coping 1 Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Huiwen Li (email: haven56789@) at Cleveland State University. Studies in Chinese Learning and Teaching Issue 3 ISSN 2334-2684 Li, H., et. al


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