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临床骨科杂志 Journa of C in ica O rthop aed ics 2009 Oct; 12( 5) 527
1 1 1 2
徐卫国 , 从先锐 , 于凤珍 , 袁 振
: 24
, 17 , 6~ 42
( 233 99) , 24 45!~ 150!( 1052! 287!) , 40!~
147!( 1043! 275!), 0!~ 7!( 41! 26!),
, , , ,
: ; ; ; /
: R 684. 8; R 687. 4 : A : 1008- 0287(2009) 05- 0527- 02
Arthroscopic adhesion release for the treatment of knee stiffness X U W eig uo, CON G X ian
rui, YU F eng zhen, YUAN Zhen (D ep t of O rthop aed ics, D ong da H osp ita of Shanx ian, Shanx ian,
Shandong 274300, Ch ina)
Abstract: Objective To investigate t e effect of art roscopic ad esion release for t e treatm ent of severely stiff
knee. M ethods 24 cases severely stiff kneeswere treatedw it art roscopic ad esion release, ofw ic 17 casesw ere
treatedw it mu ltipoint dissection of contracted quadriceps tendon. R esults A ll t e patients were followed up w it
m ean followup of 233 99 m ont s ( 6 to 42 m ont s). 24 cases average flexion s ow ed 1052! 287!( 45!~
150!) postoperation and 1043! 275!(40!~ 147!) for t e last tmi e of followup. Average flex ion lost 41! 26!
( 0!~ 7!). No obvious sore joints, infection, sk in necrosis occurs. Conclusions A rt roscop ic ad esion release for
t e treatm ent of stiff kneew it advantages of less traum a, t oroug ly release, few com plications, rapid recovery and
good results.
K ey words: art roscopy; release; knee joint; ankylos is/surgery
5!~ 65!( 402! 153!)
, , 1. 2 ,
, , 2~ 4 05~ 1 cm ,
[ 1] ,
6~ 2007 6, , ,
24, , 30!, ;
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