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4 x 50 W power amplifier with full I C diagnostics,
high efficiency and low voltage operation
■ Multipower BCD technology
■ MOSFET output power stage
■ DMOS power output
Flexiwatt27 (Horiz.) Flexiwatt27 (SMD)
■ Class SB high efficiency
■ High output power capability 4x28 W/4 Ω @
14.4 V, 1 kHz, 10% THD, 4 x 45 W max power
■ Max power 4 x 72 W / 2 Ω
2 PowerSO36
■ Full I C bus driving: Flexiwatt27 (Vert.)
– Standby
– Independent front/rear soft play/mute
– Selectable gain 26 dB /16 dB (for low noise The TDA7569LV is equipped with the most
line output function) complete diagnostics array that communicates
the status of each speaker through the I2C bus.
– High efficiency enable/disable
– I2C bus digital diagnostics (including DC The dissipated output power under average
bus AC load detection) listening condition is significantly reduced when
compared to the conventional class AB solutions,
■ Full fault protection