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30 3 V ol . 30, No . 3 20 10 6 Bulletin of So il and Water Co nserv atio n Jun . , 20 10 1 1, 2 1, 2 曹剑侠 , 温仲明 , 李锐 1. , 7 12 100; 2 . , 712 100) : , , , , R BIOM O D , artif icial neural netw or ks, A NN ) 9 , , , , K appa, T SS Roc , 9 Thymus mongolicus) ; A rtemisia g melinii) ; , RF : ; R BIO M O D; : A : 1000- 2 88X 2010) 03- 0134- 06 : Q 14 1, X 17 1. 4 Comparison of Predictive Models for Representative Species Distribution in Yanhe River Basin 1 1, 2 1, 2 CA O Jian-xia , WEN Z ho ng- ming , L I Rui ( 1. College of Resources and Environment, Northwest A F University , angling 712 100, Shaanxi, China; 2. Institute of Soil and Water Conserv ation, Chinese A cademy of S ciences and M inistry of Water Resources, angling, Shaanxi 712100, China) Abstract: T he spatial distribution of species is one of the import ant research projects in ecology. In recent years, much prog ress has been made in predict ive models of species w it h the development of applied ecology, but on t he ot h- er hand, it makes more difficult to use the species distribution models because the number of available techniques or models is large and is increasing steadily, making it confused for users t o select the most appropriat



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