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·临床研究· 高血压伴发合并症患者中心动脉压及血管功能的变化研究 李菲卡1,李明珠2,杜 萱1* (1上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院老年病科,上海200025;2同济大学附属上海东方医院老年病科,上海 200120) 【摘 要】目的 探究高血压伴发合并症患者的中心动脉压与血管功能参数的变化。方法 入选对象344例,其中正常组124例,单纯高血压达标组67例,高血压伴发并发症患者组153例。所有入组对象采用BPro?动脉脉搏波采集设备,结合A-PULSE CASP?中心动脉压应用软件,采用改良型扁平张力法专利技术,实时监测无创中心动脉压,并检测动脉反射波增强指数(RAI)、动脉反射波与收缩期巅峰之时差(PRT)等血管功能参数。结果 高血压伴发合并症降压达标组CASP高于正常组(P=0.000R544.1; R592 【文献标识码】 A 【DOI】 ? Central aortic pressure and vascular function alteration in patients with complicated hypertension LI Fei-Ka1, LI Ming-Zhu2, DU Xuan1* (1Department of Geriatrics, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China; 2Department of Geriatrics, Shanghai East Hospital of Tongji University, Shanghai 200120, China) 【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the alteration of central aortic systolic pressure (CASP) and vascular function in the patients with complicated hypertension. Methods A total of 344 volunteers undergoing noninvasive arterial pressure detection in Department of Geriatrics of Ruijin Hospital from October 2009 to March 2013 were recruited in this study. They were divided into 3 groups, that is, the normal control (n=lled hypertension group (n=67) and complicat hypertension group (n=153). CASP\RAI (radialartery augmentation index of reflected wave, AI) \PRT (peak relative time, PRT) were measured non-invasively by radial artery applanation tonometry BPro? (A-PULSE CASP? and corresponding software). Results CASP in the complicated hypertension patients whose blood pressure well-controlled was higher than the normal control group (P=0.000), and significant difference with that of controlled hypertension. There was no difference in vascular function between the 2 groups. For the complicated hypertension patients, CSAP was significantly lower in those with well-controlled blood pressure than those without (P0.01). Conclusion Well controlling blood pressure in the patients with complicated hypertension is helpful to reducing the CASP


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