计算机导论考试简答题(Introduction to computer examination short answer).doc

计算机导论考试简答题(Introduction to computer examination short answer).doc

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计算机导论考试简答题(Introduction to computer examination short answer)

计算机导论考试简答题(Introduction to computer examination short answer) 9, the assembly of a personal computer, what parts? Please give a computer parts list. Answer: motherboard, graphics card, memory, hard drives, chassis, power supply, keyboard, mouse, CD-ROM, display, CPU. The card has a good graphics card and integrated on the motherboard, you can also buy independent and sound equipment. 10, for structured programming language can be divided into three basic program structure, what is the three basic structure of the program, please explain. Answer: sequence structure, selection of structure, circulation structure; 1. order structure: from top to bottom in turn. 2. structure: if statement 3. loop structure: for, while statement 11. The file is a collection of related data stored in memory on the computer. What is the file name? Operating system organization in what way? What are the advantages of this organization? Answer: a file name including the main file name and extension of the two part. The extension when separated by. In the same folder, a file name is the same file is not allowed, Organization: according to the level of file organization Advantages: it will greatly improve the efficiency of file management, especially the efficiency of file search. 12, for the computer system? Neumann system, let the computer to complete a task, which can be divided into several steps? Answer: input - - control - storage operation - output, What are the main technical measures of 15, guarantee the security of the computer system? Answer: the three aspects of safety technology, safety management, safety law. Anti-virus technology, anti hacking technology, firewall technology, intrusion detection technology, data encryption technology, authentication technology 16, the development of computer. Answer: a few short years after the birth of ENIAC, the rapid development of computer. The main electronic devices have used vacuum tubes, transistors, small and medium scale integrated cir


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