论农民工进城打工(The migrant workers).doc

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论农民工进城打工(The migrant workers)

论农民工进城打工(The migrant workers) Influencing factors and Countermeasures of the new generation of migrant workers into the city Abstract: the new generation of migrant workers is accompanied by Chinas reform and opening up and the migrant workers of young migrant workers. The growth of their environment, age, identity, personality, home town motivation, interests and demands with new features etc.. In the process of integration into the city, because of the influence of human capital, lack of social capital and institutional barriers, the new generation of migrant workers is difficult to integrate into the city. Key words: the new generation of migrant workers into the city;; influence factor; countermeasure analysis. Analysis of influence factors, a new generation of migrant workers into the city. (a) institutional barriers. Two yuan of household registration system in urban and rural areas, between the lack of liquidity of rural land contract system, the division of urban and rural labor market system and social security system defects are the main factors restricting the new generation of migrant workers into the city. First, between two yuan of urban-rural household registration system so that the new generation of migrant workers in the city and city residents in the integration of identity and social status, there is a huge difference, and were excluded from the city management system. Second, the current rural land contract system is not conducive to the transfer of land, land property rights can not cross regional flows, which hinders the new generation of migrant workers from the land from the system. Third, compared with the city residents, most of them through the labor market looking for work, and low wages, poor employment environment, labor security. Fourth, the current city social security system has not put migrant workers into them, and the rural social security system is not perfect, so the new generation of migrant workers is the lack of rural social


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