论文的结构组成(The composition structure).doc

论文的结构组成(The composition structure).doc

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论文的结构组成(The composition structure)

论文的结构组成(The composition structure) The composition structure Catalog The structure consists of 1 (a) the basic structure of this paper 1 The 1 part (two) 1. title (Title 1) 2. the authors name and unit 2 3. of the 2 4. key words (or subject) 2 5.. 2 6. Introduction (or introduction, preface, introduction, introduction, preface and introduction) 2 7. of the 2 8. conclusion 3 9. thanking 3 10. reference 3 (a) the basic structure The argumentative, its basic structure includes three parts: subject, demonstration and conclusion. 1. topic: refers to the real needs to be proved. The 2. argument: that is discussed and proved. Mainly refers to the reference arguments to prove the authenticity of the topics discussed in the process, is the form of reasoning used by arguments. Introduce topics Conclusion: the 3. is the conclusion, the final judgment of the article. Its main function is: (1) a summary of the full text, points out the theme. (2) in the future, enhance confidence. (3) to express feelings, enhance the appeal. (two) the part of A complete paper shall include the following contents: 1. title name (title) The title should be the most appropriate, logical combination most concise words to reflect the specific content of the paper the most important, as far as possible to avoid using abbreviations abbreviations, unusual characters, symbols, symbols and formulas. The title is generally not more than 30 words. The authors name and unit 2. The signature includes the participation of selected research and develop research program personnel directly involved in all or part of the research work and the main contribution of the staff, in writing papers. If it is two or more than two persons jointly complete the thesis, according to the contribution of each staff or according to the agreement of ranking. Abstract 3. Abstract: abstract, is a brief statement of the contents of the paper, the main points, suggesting that the main content of opinions, arguments or general introdu


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