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32 10 V ol . 32 No . 10
2006 10 H igh V olt ag e Engineering Oct . 2006
750 kV
胡 毅, 王力农, 刘 凯, 邵瑰玮, 张丽华, 张俊兰
( 国网武汉高压研究院, 武汉430074)
: 750 kV , 750 kV ,
, ,
, ,
750 kV 750 kV ,
: 750 kV; ; ; ;
: T M 84 : A : 1003- 6520( 2006) 10- 0001- 04
Research of Safety Protection for Live Working on 750 kV Transmission Lines
H U Yi, WA N G Linong, L U Kai, SH A O Guiw ei, ZH A NG Lihua, ZH A NG Junlan
( Wuhan H ig h Volt age Research nst itut e of SGCC, Wuhan 430074, China)
Abstract: Because of the hig h vo ltag e and stro ng space electr ical field intensit y of t he 750 kV transmission lines, it is
very impor tant and necessar y to do r esea rch o n the safety pro tect ion for liv e wo rking o n 750 kV transmission lines.
n this paper, accor ding to the practical conditions of the lines, suitable full set screen clothes are dev elo ped, and
then cha racterist ics of material that the scr een clo thes made of and the ready- to-wear are tested fo llow ing cor re-
sponding nat ional standards of GB 6568. 1- 2000 and GB 6568. 2- 2000. Based on the lines conditions, measuring of
the elect rical field intensity in and o ut side of scr een clo thes at differ ent par ts of bo dy and the curr ent throug h bo dy
while the body pot ential is equal to t he po tential of the liv e line are taken. Besides these, the tests of creature re-
sponses w hen curr ent caused by dischar ge under switching impulse vo ltag e go thr ough it are do ne. T he tests results
indicate that the dev elo ped scr een clo thes has g oo d per formances on elect rical field scr eening , cur rent splitt ing and
voltage sharing , thus meet the r equir ements for the safety pr otectio n of human b
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