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Southern Colonies- Religion Thought it should be an all day thing Southern Colonies - Education School days started at 7:00am Learned how to read Only read the Bible Girls mostly learned basics of life Said prayers then read verses of the Bible Southern Colonies-Food Ate chickens, pigs, cows, clams, and fish Hunted deer, rabbits, and turkeys Southern Colonies – Mens Clothing Breeches, reached just below knees Ruffles on neck Banyan-loose gown Southern Colonies- Womens Clothing Simple dresses made by wool Wore aprons Wore wigs Most woman only had two pairs of clothing Four colonial patterns The settlement of Virginia Puritan New England Catholic Maryland Quaker Pennsylvania Regional Difference in British Colonies New England Southern Colonies Economy A mixed economy A single economy Importance of Slaves Not important Very important Community Relationship tight loose Place to live Towns and villages Large plantations Religion Puritanism (strong) Church of England (weak) Education Strongly-emphasized; well-developed Not developed The colonists in Virginia had an elected government that worked with the King’s governor. The Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact that allowed everyone equality. Rhode Island created the idea of separation of church and state. What is important about the colonies? Key Points Time: 1492; 1607; 1620 People: Christopher Columbus; Amerigo Vespucci Place: thirteen colonies Event: Columbian Exploration Document: The Mayflower Compact Key Points Questions: 1. What were difference between New England colonies and southern ones? * * * * * * * * * * Middle Colonies The Dutch established New Netherland. In 1626, the Dutch bought two islands from the local Indians. Immigrants from various countries built a town named New Amsterdam. In 1664, the English troops got control of New Netherland. King Charles II gave New Amsterdam to his brother James. It was known as New York. The King gave some of the land to two friend


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