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锐普PPT论坛chinakui转载: Lesson?3??Please Send me a Card /nce/xingainian2/ http://v.pps.tv/play_3EIM6I.html What do you think is happening in the picture? How many cards did the writer send? 【NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS】 ★send? v. 寄,送 send sth.to sb./send sb.sth give sb. sth./give sth. to sb. send/take children to school take: 某人亲自送 send: 通过第三人去送 ★postcard? n. 明信片 send him a card Name card/visiting card : 名片 Here is my name card. ID card:身份证 credit card:信用卡 cash card ★spoil (spoiled or spoilt) v. 使索然无味,损坏 break: 打破 spoil: 把东西的质量变得不好;生活中不顺心的事;宠坏,溺爱 His parents spoiled the boy. 宠坏 This spoiled my day. What you said spoiled me. His arrival spoiled my holiday. damage:? 破坏,程度不一定很重 destroy:破坏,彻底摧毁 ★museum? n. 博物馆 Palace Museum:故宫 ★public? adj. 公共的 private public school /place/house (pub:酒吧) in private: 私下里的 in public:? 公开的 Why not have a conversation in public? ★friendly? adj. 友好的 lovely adj. ★waiter? n. 服务员,招待员 Waiter , waitress chief waiter shop assistant attendant ★lend? v. 借给 borrow from lend sth. to sb lend sb. sth. ★decision? n. 决定 v. decide make a big / great decision ★whole? adj. 整个的 all the... the whole... ★single? adj. 唯一的,单一的 double 【课文讲解】 The baby spoiled my night. Italian/Italy and 先后往往是对等的概念 teach sb. sth. a little Italian I can speak a little English/a few words of English think about: 考虑,思考 think over : 仔细考虑 last:表示"上一个"或"最后一个",表示"最后一个"时要加冠词the I spend the whole day in my room. spend+时间+地点 I spend three hours in the sea. I spend my weekend at my mothers. I spend three hours in the classroom everyday. I spend a lot of time in traffic jam. review spoil send/lend/teach sb. sth. send/lend/teach sth. to sb ? ? 【Special Difficulties】 双宾语:直接宾语(表示动作结果)和间接宾语(动作目标) give sb. sth. sb:? 间接宾语 sth: 直接宾语 间接宾语在后面时,其前必须加to(对……而言)或for(为……而做) give a book to me.? I buy a book for you take flowers to my wife. order soup for you. 可以翻译为"给"、"替"、"为"的,就用for; 如果只能翻译为"给"的,就用to, 与for相连的? buy, order, make, find find sth.for sb. do sb.a favor 帮某人一个忙 Do me a favor please./


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